MenuColor SUB Action Assigns colors to the components of a menu. Syntax MenuColor fore%, back%, highlight%, disabled%, cursorfore%, cursorback%, cursorhi% Remarks The MenuColor procedure uses the following arguments. fore% ----- An integer that defines menu foreground color (0 - 15). back% ----- An integer that defines menu background color (0 - 7). highlight% ---------- An integer that defines text color (0 - 15) of the access key character. disabled% --------- An integer that defines text color of disabled items (0 - 15). cursorfore% ----------- An integer that defines the menu cursor foreground color (0 - 15). cursorback% ----------- An integer that defines the menu cursor background color (0 - 7). cursorhi% --------- An integer that defines text color (0 - 15) of the access key character when the menu cursor is on that menu item. The values specified are placed into global variables. You can use any color scheme you choose within the range of available colors. Shadows that appear beneath menu windows are always black. Use MenuColor in your program to set up menu colors. Colors should be initialized before the menu is displayed the first time. If colors are not initialized, the default monochrome color scheme places the following integers into the argument list (in order). 0, 7, 15, 8, 7, 0, 15. This results in a monochrome display. If you change colors while your program is running, use MenuShow to show the changes. See Also. MenuShow Example See the SetupMenu procedure in the code example UIDEMO.BAS for the specific implementation of the MenuColor procedure.